Personal Training
For The Best You’ve Ever Felt
The most effective way to get proven fitness results is through one-on-one interaction with a certified, highly skilled Personal Trainer. These 45-minute sessions are designed just for you and will take you to a whole new level. Free childcare is available during Play Room hours.
Benefits include:
- Personalized program just for you.
- Workouts that fit your schedule.
- Motivation and accountability.
- New workout ideas and variety.
- Leads to faster, more tangible results.
- Learn proper/safe technique.
- Build muscle.
- Expert tips and guidance.
- Consistency.

Personal Training Rates
Month-to-Month :
1x Week : $220 / month | $55 / session
2x Week : $400 / month | $50 / session
3x Week : $540 / month | $45 / session
12-Week Program (3-Month Contract) :
1x Week : $192 / month | $48 / session
2x Week : $344 / month | $43 / session
3x Week : $456 / month | $38 / session
24-Week Program (6-Month Contract) :
1x Week : $184 / month | $46 / session
2x Week : $328 / month | $41 / session
3x Week : $432 / month | $36 / session
**Add a nutrition program to any training program for 50% off the nutrition program price.